#3005 Johns Creek National Franchise Restaurant for Sale $800,000 Mint Condition Build Out. 3,000/sf. Spacious seating. Outdoor Patio. Modern decor and buildout that could very easily be changed with very minor work. Plenty of parking Great Road Visibility. Middle to High Incomes. Close to five-country clubs, office parks, hospitals, Mega-Churches, schools, shopping centers, and cinemas. Long term lease at $7,750 monthly. Two five-year options to renew. CAM $552 Insurance $65. Taxe estimate $497. The restaurant operates with GM at $58,000, Kitchen Manager $42,000 with P/T of 20. Absentee owned business runs at break-even on sales exceeding $1,000,000. A hands-on Owner could easily increase business by local marketing and an on-site presence. Keep or Convert $195,000 OBO
Country: | USA |
State or Province: | GA |
City: | Johns Creek |
Location Zip or Postal Code: | 30022 |
Service Type: | Sit-Down Table Service |
Title of Listing: | North Atlanta Burger Franchise for Sale – Great Visibility & High Traffic |
Number of Locations: | 1 |
Number of Seats: | Less than 50 |
Size: | 3,000, Square Feet |
Patio: | Yes |
Number of Employees: | Less than 10 |
Owner Operated or Absentee Owner or Flexible: | Absentee Owner |
Asking Price: | $195,000 |
Gross Revenue Range: | Under $500,000 |
EBITDA Range: | Under $100,000 |
SDE Range: | $100,000 |
Real Estate Owned or Leased: | Leased |
Total Monthly Rent: | $7,750 |