COMMERCIAL PROPERTY ROUTE 12 NORWICH, NY This enterprise is presently an operating eat-in and takeout BBQ restaurant. Comes fully furnished and equipped and includes a managers apartment and Real Estate office for rental income. Excellent location With ample parking.
Country: | USA |
State or Province: | NY |
City: | Norwich |
Location Zip or Postal Code: | 13815 |
Service Type: | Sit-Down Table Service |
Title of Listing: | Smokin Bones BBQ |
Number of Locations: | 1 |
Number of Seats: | Less than 50 |
Size: | 1000, Square Feet |
Patio: | Yes |
Number of Employees: | Less than 10 |
Owner Operated or Absentee Owner or Flexible: | Owner Operated |
Website: |
Asking Price: | $199,000 |
Gross Revenue Range: | Under $500,000 |
EBITDA Range: | Under $100,000 |
SDE Range: | $100,000 |
Real Estate Owned or Leased: | Real Estate Owned |