Specialty frozen treat business for sale in North Houston area. Priced to sell! The business serves at high-end weddings and events, churches, schools, and corporate parties. The business is turnkey ready for a new owner to step in and take over. The equipment, trailer, supplies, and recipes are all included, and future events are already on the calendar. The current owner works part time at the business. This is a home-based business. It is seasonal and would be ideal for a teacher. For more information, contact Karyn Bryant with Sunbelt Business Brokers at 281-440-5153,
Country: | USA |
State or Province: | TX |
City: | Houston |
Location Zip or Postal Code: | 77002 |
Title of Listing: | Specialty Frozen Treat Business for Sale in Houston, Texas |
Year Established: | 2012 |
Number of Locations: | 1 |
Number of Seats: | Less than 50 |
Size: | , Square Feet |
Number of Employees: | Less than 10 |
Reason for Selling: | Relocating |
Asking Price: | $32,000 |
Gross Revenue: | $36,000 |
Gross Revenue Range: | Under $500,000 |
EBITDA Range: | Under $100,000 |
SDE Range: | $100,000 |