This is the famous brick oven pizza spot that everyone raves about. There is no better brick oven pizza delivered in Manhattan. They have brick ovens as well as a cafe and sit down area. The restaurant i maintained in a spotless manor and it's simply "The Best". There is not much else to say. Additional Details: The property is leased. The owner is not willing to train/assist the new owner. This is not a homebased business opportunity. This is not a franchise resale opportunity.
Country: | USA |
State or Province: | NY |
City: | New York |
Location Zip or Postal Code: | 10016 |
Title of Listing: | Best Pizza Delivered in Manhattan |
Year Established: | 1995 |
Number of Locations: | 1 |
Number of Seats: | Less than 50 |
Size: | , Square Feet |
Number of Employees: | 11-50 |
Growth or Expansion Opportunities: | Competition: There are hundreds of pizza shops in Manhattan, but none consistently as good. Potential Growth: The business can be exploded by combining the two shop areas and adding to the italian food menu. There is a lack of good total Italian food delivery with complete menus in the extremely popular area. |
Reason for Selling: | RETIREMENT |
Asking Price: | $995,000 |
Gross Revenue: | $1,500,000 |
Gross Revenue Range: | $1,000,000+ |
EBITDA Range: | Under $100,000 |
SDE Range: | $100,000 |