Newly renovated, high volume restaurant with 147 seats and 10 bar stools in a major mid-town NYC hotel service breakfast, lunch and dinner with bar. This restaurant has a long-term lease with the hotel both expiring in 2027. This restaurant located adjacent to the lobby of the hotel on the ground floor provides room service and liquor to over 900 hotel rooms, performs hotel banquet & catering duties, serves guests meals and provide food for the main bar in the hotel. In addition, this restaurant is the beneficiary of the high walk-in traffic it gets from being street level with its own dedicated entrance on a corner location of a busy commercial mid-town neighborhood. For dinner this busy restaurant is transformed into a bistro serving upscale food to both hotel guests, NYC tourists and locals. Additional Details: The property is leased. The owner is not willing to train/assist the new owner. This is not a homebased business opportunity. This is not a franchise resale opportunity.
Country: | USA |
State or Province: | NY |
City: | New York |
Location Zip or Postal Code: | 10016 |
Title of Listing: | Iconic NYC Hotel Restaurant and Coffee Shop |
Year Established: | 1982 |
Number of Locations: | 1 |
Number of Seats: | 51-150 |
Size: | , Square Feet |
Number of Employees: | 11-50 |
Reason for Selling: | Retirement |
Asking Price: | $4,000,000 |
Gross Revenue: | $5,000,000 |
Gross Revenue Range: | $1,000,000+ |
EBITDA Range: | Under $100,000 |
SDE Range: | $100,000 |